
This project focuses on viable approaches to developing a simulation game that addresses the prevalence of asthma attacks due to three distinct triggering mechanisms: agricultural, industrial and carbon fuel pollution. By working with High Schools in Fresno,  the scientists are studying numerous factors that play a part in asthma’s increasing frequency: limited access to education, health information, and new media, and a reluctance to participate in community action and local policy development.
The seed grant is being used to study while kinds of mobile games can address these challenges. The team, which is multi-disciplinary and includes researchers at UC Berkeley and UC Merced, is combining multiple strategies: climate modeling, visualization, data mining, anthropological field work, and dramatization through game design. The game design will cast players as researchers in an Central Valley  health mystery by interpreting spatial maps of public records and scenarios of future climate change. The object will be for the players to develop effective strategies in a simulated game environment to manage asthma triggers and optimize their health outcomes.

This project was featured in the 2011 CITRIS Signal:

More about AirQuest

The AirQuest Team

Greg Niemeyer
Principal Investigator (PI)
UC Berkeley

James Holston
UC Berkeley

Inez Fung
UC Berkeley

Qinghua Guo
UC Merced

Susan Miller
UC Berkeley

Alenda Chang
Executive Producer
UC Berkeley

Jesse Fulton
Lead Game Designer
UC Santa Cruz

Jacob Flanagan
Climate Modeling Director
UC Merced

Dru Anderson
Lead Artist
UC Berkeley

Michael Bergman
3D Modeling Artist
UC Santa Cruz

Courtney Chan
Field Research Director & Product Manager
UC Berkeley

Chistine Chia
Video Producer
UC Berkeley

Spreeha Debchaudhury
UC Berkeley

Ariana Schindler
Researcher & Spokeswoman
UC Berkeley

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